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The (4) Signs You’re In A Plumbing Emergency And (What To Do Next)

by | 18 Jul 19 | Help and Advice | 25 comments

Do you have a slow-moving drain located in your kitchen, in one of your bathrooms, or in another area of your home?

It might annoy you to no end and make you want to pull your hair out. But a slow-moving drain is not considered to be a plumbing emergency. You can call on a plumber at your earliest convenience to have them come and take a look at it.

There are, however, other plumbing problems in your home that could become even more problematic than they already are if you don’t do something about them. It’s important to call a plumber ASAP if you notice one of them pop up.

Here are four signs that you might have a plumbing emergency on your hands and information on what you should do next if you spot any of them.

Picture of a kitchen tap with little water pressure

1. Your Water Isn’t Working at All

Did you just go to turn on the water in your kitchen sink or in the bathtub in your bathroom only to realize that your water doesn’t seem to be working?

If you live in an apartment, there is a chance that your landlord may have turned off the water for one reason or another. If you live in a home, your spouse may have shut off the water to check on some aspect of your plumbing system.

But if you look around and discover that there isn’t a good reason for your water not to be working, you might be experiencing a plumbing emergency. You’ll want to get a plumber on the phone right away to schedule a repair.

There are times when the water in a home will stop working because of a leaky or broken pipe somewhere in a plumbing system. There are also times when an issue with a water main might be to blame for a lack of water.

Whatever the case, you’re not going to be able to live very long without water. It’ll make it difficult, if not impossible, to do things like cook, bathe, and even just brush your teeth.

An emergency plumber can come out and take a look at your plumbing system to see what seems to be the problem. It shouldn’t take too long to diagnose and fix the issue at hand.


2. Your Toilets Are Backing Up Into Your Home

The toilets in your home are designed to take wastewater and move it away from your home. They’re not supposed to send wastewater shooting back into your home under any circumstances.

But if there is a clog in your plumbing system or in your sewer line, it could cause waste and wastewater to back up into your home. This can lead to all kinds of dangerous health complications, and it can lead to property damage, too.

Most homeowners can take care of a routine toilet clog. But if your toilet is overflowing and sending waste and wastewater everywhere, you’re in the middle of a plumbing emergency.

There may be a problem in your plumbing system. But there also may be an issue in the local sewer system that’s causing your toilet to overflow.

Back in 2013, a so-called “fatberg” in the London sewer system caused a large number of toilets in the Kingston section of the city to get backed up. A plumber can let you know if it’s your home or the sewer system that’s to blame for your toilet troubles.

An Emergency Plumbing Unblocking A Toilet
Cold Water Tap Controls Seized

3. Your Water Pressure and/or flow Is Non-Existent

There is almost nothing worse than hopping into the shower to bathe and relax, only to find out that there isn’t enough water pressure and/or flow for you to do either. A lack of water pressure and/or flow will ruin your shower and make it hard for you to wash up.

Your home’s water pressure and/or flow could be very low for any number of reasons. Low water pressure and/or flow in a home can be caused by:

  • Too many water sources being used at one time
  • A partially-closed water meter valve
  • A failing water pressure regulator
  • Plumbing pipes that are on the older side
  • An issue with the local water supply

No matter the reason, low water pressure and/or flow will make it hard to function normally in your home. It should be considered as a plumbing emergency and should always be dealt with by a professional.

4. Your Plumbing Pipes Are Frozen

You don’t have to worry about the plumbing pipes in your home freezing at most times of the year. The temperature in London doesn’t fall below the freezing mark on a regular basis, even during the winter.

But if you have plumbing pipes in your home that are exposed to cold air in the winter, they could freeze up on you on very cold days. If they do, it’s important to call a plumber right away.

Frozen plumbing pipes are at risk of bursting at any moment. If your pipes burst, the water in them can shoot out everywhere and cause a ton of damage. The pipes themselves will also need to be repaired or replaced to get your plumbing system back up to speed.

Try to insulate any plumbing pipes that could be exposed to cold temperatures in the winter. And make sure you have a plumber on speed dial just in case your plumbing pipes ever freeze.

Burst flexible tap connetor pipe

Don’t Ignore a Plumbing Emergency in Your Home

Since you don’t see most of the plumbing pipes in your home every day, you might not spend much time worrying about them. “Out of sight, out of mind” is the approach that most people take to their plumbing systems.

It’s important for you not to be like these people. Keep an eye out for a plumbing emergency at all times and get in touch with an emergency plumber if you see one. It could help you avoid catastrophic plumbing problems and prevent plumbing issues from taking a major toll on your home.

Do you suspect that you might have a plumbing emergency taking place right now? Contact us to schedule an appointment with a plumber.
